Persebaran dan Penanganan Wabah Penyakit di Regentschap Pemalang Awal Abad 20
Regentschap Pemalang, Diseas Outbreaks, Local History.Abstract
This article aims to observe the spread of disease outbreaks and efforts to control them in Regentschap Pemalang during the early 20th century in the colonial period. This article is based on research using historical methods. Disease outbreaks that affected Regentschap Pemalang throughout the early 20th century consisted of various diseases. The occurrence of the outbreak could not be separated from the ecological conditions, the lifestyle of the population, and transmission originating from outside the Dutch East Indies. Several attempts were made by the colonial government and the residents of Regentschap Pemalang to deal with the spread of the disease. Yet, they did not obtain any significant results. Disease outbreaks continued to occur in Regentschap Pemalang until the end of the colonial government's rule in the Dutch East Indies, as well as representing the poor health condition of the population and health facilities in Regentschap Pemalang in the early 20th century.